Free Update 4.6. Always Be One Step Ahead.
With the release of our Software Collection 4.6, we will bring you up-to-date in measurement - simply for free. All currently available and of course, the latest DAQ hardware with all additional features are supported.
Just a few clicks away from cutting-edge measurement technology by bmcm: The latest device drivers, programming interfaces, LabView VI's and NextView can be downloaded from our website.
New by bmcm:
Installable now: AMS42/84-LAN16fx, LAN-AD16fx, USB-AD14f, USB-OI16
Officially tested and released: Windows 8 support (32/64 bit)
Simply NextView: hardware specific start projects for the first steps
All-round counter: pulse-time measurement with LAN devices and USB-OI16
More functionality: new product features available (e.g. PCIe-BASE: 3 counters)
The NextView update is free for all users of version 4.0 and higher. Benefit from our progress!