NV Script
NV Script
NV im Einsatz

Automate Your NextView 5.

You want to automate and control measurement processes in NextView 5? Your measurement task is to be realized individually? A certain action needs to be set off in case of alarm? Very easy with the script option NV5SCRIPT for the data acquisition and analysis software NextView 5.

BASIC as Basis. And Much More.

The script language is based on the programming language BASIC to make the first steps easier. It has been supplemented by special commands and functions, however, to extend the standard commands and features of NextView 5 in an ideal way.


The programmed commands of a NextView 5 Script are executed when an event occurs, e.g. a button is clicked in NextView 5 or a trigger is set off. Events are either time-related or are provided by certain objects (e.g. slider, graph display).

Script Editor.

Programming is done in the integrated script editor in NextView 5, which opens by double-clicking an event.

Help. For Example.

Programming support is provided by an online help integrated in NextView 5 as well as by several programming examples in the documentation. Individual example scripts for bmcm measurement hardware can be downloaded.

For All Versions.

Whether Lite, Pro, or Analysis: NV5SCRIPT can be used with all versions of NextView 4. Installation is not necessary. To activate the script option, only the license number of NV5SCRIPT has to be entered in NextView 5.

The most important functions in a nutshell. For technical details see the relating data sheet (PDF) or visit the NextView website.

  •   user-friendly programming language similar to BASIC
  •   automation of processes
  •   realization of individual applications
  •   event-oriented
  •   programming of control processes (e.g. in case of alarm)

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